The Twelve Days of (OSP) Christmas
The Twelve Days of (OSP) ChristmasLyrics by: An old friend...
Introducing the New NIH Public Access Policy!
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson has co-authored this blog with Dr. Stephen...
On the Road: Idaho Falls Edition
I’m writing this blog on my way home from Idaho...
Reaffirming NIH’s Commitment to Scientific Integrity
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson has co-authored this blog with NIH Deputy...
Event Honors NIH Partnership with Voices For Our Fathers Legacy Foundation
This is an excerpt from the October 11, 2024, issue...
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Not A Blank Space: Policy Considerations for AI in Research
One of the hardest (and most fun) parts of my...
New Resources to Help Raise Community Voices in Clinical Research
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson has co-authored this blog with Dr. Joni...
Getting Everyone to their Destination: A Podcast Conversation with Dr. Lyric Jorgenson
Lyric Jorgenson had the pleasure of being a guest on...
The Promise of NIH ENGAGE
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson (l) has co-authored this blog with Dr....
FDA-NIH Want Your Input on a New Resource for Terminology in Clinical Research
Consider the tomato. Or as some would call it, the...
OSP’s Public Engagement Strategy: Separating Fact From Myth
It is hard for me to believe that it has...
Apply Today for the 2024 OSP Summer Internship Program!
If I were to tell you that I have a...
The Most Wonderful (Two) Times of the Year
When I think of December, my thoughts usually turn to...
Strengthening Policymaking Through Public Engagement: A NExTRAC Case Study
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson has co-authored this blog with Dr. Cinnamon...
Make Your Voice Heard on NIH’s Draft Scientific Integrity Policy
There is an old story about a king who holds...
Turning Listening into Action: A Proposal to Strengthen the NIH Guidelines
As an unrepentant policy fanatic, I love talking about details,...
An Invitation to Our Upcoming Workshop on Maximizing NIH’s Levers to Catalyze Technology Transfer
The importance of bringing people together to inform policy is...
A Few Notes on the Importance of Public Feedback
June is often a time of year when thoughts turn...
A Fun Way to Learn More About OSP
NOTE: This puzzle uses HTML embedding. If the interactive features...
Reflections on Women’s History Month
My mother always warned me that as I got older,...
Advancing the Promise of Open Science: We Want to Hear from You!
Dr. Brennan Dr. Schor Dr. Gregurick Dr. Lauer This blog...
Building a Solid Policy Foundation Through Meaningful Engagement
If you have visited the OSP website in the last...
How Bioethical Principles Are the Foundation of Great Research
Embedding ethics throughout the research process is essential to the...
Catalyzing Research with Novel Alternative Methods
Thomas Edison had a famous saying. No, not the one...
ICYMI: The Download from the September 21 NSABB Meeting
Last week was a busy one for OSP. Just to...
Harnessing the Power of Our Digital Future
I don’t think it would be news to anyone reading...
Thoughts on the Recent NIH DURC Stakeholder Engagement Meeting
On Thursday, NIH held its second stakeholder engagement meeting on...
DataWorks! Prize – Incentives for building a culture of data sharing and reuse
This is a guest blog from Susan K. Gregurick, Ph.D....
Gearing Up for 2023 Part II: Implementing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
Sequels are all the rage these days. I figure if...
Reflections on NIH’s April Virtual Meeting on USG Biosecurity Oversight Framework
Followers of this blog are probably keenly aware that the...
Introducing NIH’s New Scientific Data Sharing Website
I am very pleased to announce the availability of a new...
Gearing Up for 2023: Implementing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
Frequent readers of this blog will remember that back in...
Refreshing NIH’s Genomic Data Sharing Policy
We’ve all heard the ancient expression that “the only constant...
Sharing Our Current Thinking: Models Containing Aspects of Human Embryos
Understanding early human development helps scientists study causes of miscarriage...
Parenting in a Time of COVID
Next week marks the one-year anniversary of NIH shifting to...
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, in a very strange year,OSP...
NExTRAC: Considerations for Gene Drives Research and an Emerging Biotechnology Framework
Last year, NIH unveiled the Novel and Exceptional Technology &...
NIH Releases New Policy for Data Management and Sharing
Today, nearly twenty years after the publication of the Final...
How We Handle Allegations of Sexual Harassment
As we have discussed frequently over the past couple of...
New Steps to Help Ensure Safe Work Environments for NIH-Supported Research
If an institution requests approval to remove a principal investigator...
Summary of “NIH Workshop on Optimizing Reproducibility in Nonhuman Primate Research Studies by Enhancing Rig...
First, I want to take a moment to wish you...
‘Twas the Night Before……
‘Twas the night before Christmas, And nobody’s here. All of...
NIH’s DRAFT Data Management and Sharing Policy: We Need to Hear From You!
Around this time last year, I wrote about a request...
Ethics is Not a Dirty Word
When thinking about the intersection of policy and science, the...
A Quick Word About Human Embryo Model Systems
Rapidly emerging areas of science can pose interesting challenges for...
Update on the “NIH Workshop on Optimizing Reproducibility in Nonhuman Primate Research Studies by Enhancing ...
I’ve received a lot of emails from folks asking why...
Continuing to Work with the Community on Registration and Results Reporting for Basic Experimental Studies Inv...
The research that NIH funds doesn’t always fall neatly into...
A New NIH Resource on the Lasting Legacy of Henrietta Lacks
The amazing and tragic story of Henrietta Lacks became part...
The Protocol Template for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Involving Humans: A New Community Resource!
A few months ago, back in August 2018, we authored...
GDPR: Crossing the Data Sharing Bridge, One Regulation at a Time
Like most of you, my personal email last summer was...
Investing in Bioethics Research to Inform Science Policy
I am a big believer in policies based on evidence....
‘TwasThe Night Before…..
‘Twas the night before Christmas, When policy wonks take, For...
Protecting Participants, Empowering Researchers: Providing Access to Genomic Summary Results
This blog was co-authored by Dr. Eric Green, Director of...
A Data Sharing Renaissance: Music to My Ears!
When world famous cellist, Yo-Yo Ma, visited the NIH campus,...
The Behavioral and Social Clinical Trials Template: A New Resource!
In May 2017, NIH and FDA released the final version...
Recommendations for Moving to a Process for Returning Research Results
I have become the human subjects police. No, I’m not...
The Insider’s Guide to Effective Commenting on NIH Policies
Before I came to NIH, I spent my career working...
A Match Made in Science Policy Heaven
Everyone knows someone who has dived fearlessly into the world...
A Seat at the Table: Behind the Scenes of the NIH-FDA-CMS Leadership Councils
One of the questions (or more accurately, lamentations) that I...
Seasons Greetings from OSP!
‘Twas the middle of Hanukkah, and across OSP, We’re thinking...
Accessing Genomic Summary Results: We Want to Hear From You!
Enabling the secondary use of research data to advance scientific...
National Biosafety Month: The New Fall Classic
What do you think of when you think of fall?...
The Deep Dish on Institutional DURC Policy: Calling All Stakeholders!
If my time in the U.S. government has taught me...
Back to the Future: Asilomar and the Upcoming NIH Guidelines workshop
The old expression, “the more things change, the more they...
Extreme Website Makeover: The OSP Edition!
Yesterday afternoon, OSP launched its brand new website! We are...
A Fresh Look at the Rules for Returning Research Results
As the biomedical research enterprise increasingly moves to a more...
In Perfect Harmony: The NIH – FDA Clinical Trials Protocol Template
One of the most frequent exasperated questions I face when...
De-clunking the dbGaP Data Submission and Access Process – We’re All Ears!
Data. It is the essential output of biomedical research that...
The Revised Common Rule: A Tribute to the Past and a Promise for the Future
As humans living longer, healthier lives than at any point...
‘Twas the Night Before Hanukkah (and Christmas) at NIH
‘Twas the night before Hanukkah and at OSP, We were...
The What and How of Data Sharing
In a recent BMJ article, Milton Packer highlights the value...
The Institutional DURC Policy – One Year Later: An Invitation for Stakeholder Input
Maximizing the benefits of life sciences research while minimizing the...
Improving Visibility of NIH-Supported Clinical Trial Activities and Results Information
In a separate post today, we provide an overview of...
Building Better Clinical Trials through Enhanced Stewardship and Transparency
NIH is the largest public funder of clinical trials in...
Next Steps on Research Using Animal Embryos Containing Human Cells
Biomedical researchers have created and used animal models containing human...
Accelerating Clinical Research by Streamlining Multi-Site Review of Human Subjects Research
Research involving human participants is key to improving public health...
Emerging Biotechnologies and the Role of the NIH RAC
Next week, we mark the 40th anniversary of the first...
Capturing Impact: A Method for Measuring Progress
NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature...
Ensuring Continued Responsible Research with Non-Human Primates
Research with animals, including non-human primates, has enabled the development...
Protecting Data, Promoting Access: Improving Our Toolbox
You may recall from one of my previous blogs that...
Building a Better Biomarker Glossary
Precise and clear communication across biological and clinical research disciplines...
NIH-FDA Draft Clinical Trial Protocol Template: Stakeholder Feedback Needed!
In the recently released NIH-Wide Strategic Plan (FY 2016-2020), the...
Come Together…Right Now…Over Research: Collaborating with the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
In one of my first blog posts, I mentioned that...
NSABB to Meet on Gain-of-Function Studies to Talk Risks, Benefits, Ethics, and Policy
In September 2015, I wrote about the U.S. government’s deliberative...
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at NIH
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and at NIH, There were...
OSP Takes on Technology Transfer
The Office of Science Policy (OSP) has added technology transfer...
Clarifying NIH’s Priorities in Health Economics
Today, NIH is releasing a Guide Notice on Clarifying NIH’s...
Biosafety at NIH and Beyond….A Shared Responsibility
Co-Authored by Carrie Wolinetz and Deborah Wilson Following this week’s release of...
Talkin’ About an Evolution (of research oversight, that is!)
To many scientists, the name Asilomar is synonymous with an...
The Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process
In biomedical research, scientists commonly perform experiments that involve enhancing...
Staying Ahead of the Curve on Chimeras
One of the truisms of science policy is that developments...
Genomic Data Sharing: Part II – Playing by the Rules
The discussions surrounding the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) have highlighted...
Genomic Data Sharing: A Two-Part Series
NIH is committed to both the responsible stewardship of participants’...
Let’s Talk About DURC: A Workshop Invitation
It is almost universally acknowledged that life science research is...
In the OSP Kitchen – Single IRB for Multisite Research Policy
We’re all familiar with the analogy that policy development is...
Burden of Disease and NIH Funding Priorities
Co-Authored by Carrie Wolinetz and Sally Rockey Recently, many voices have asked...
Everything You Wanted to Know About OSP (But were afraid to ask…)
The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) is part of...
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