An Examination of Emerging Bioethical Issues in Biomedical Research: An NAS Workshop


Join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on February 26, 2020 for a public workshop that will bring together stakeholders to discuss potential bioethical issues that may arise from new and emerging trends in biomedical research and society. The workshop will identify a range of current and emerging bioethical issues–both in basic and clinical research–and explore a broad range of stakeholder perspectives. The workshop will describe the state of the emerging science and potential pressing, recurring, emerging, and/or anticipated future bioethical issues in biomedical research and society that fall within the scope of the research and policy activities of the NIH. Potential topics may include: developing and integrating digital technologies into research and care; artificial intelligence and machine learning; emerging approaches for research and data collection; the impact of inequality on health, disease, and research participation; and the infrastructure for the bioethical research workforce.

Event Webpage

Registration (Webcast Only; In-Person Registration Closed)

Fostering Rigorous Research: Lessons Learned from Non-human Primate Models and Charting the Path Forward


Rigorous and translatable research is the cornerstone of the biomedical research enterprise and a necessity for improving the health of the Nation. Over the past few years, NIH has focused considerable attention on bolstering activities and policies to enhance the rigor and reproducibility of the science it funds. While these efforts are focusing on the entirety of biomedical research, non-human primate (NHP) research models present some unique opportunities and challenges. Therefore, NIH is engaging experts working with NHP models, alongside experts in a diverse array of other intersecting disciplines, to share strategies for ensuring the continued responsible conduct of research using NHP models moving forward in an effort to maximize scientific rigor and value. The first day of the workshop largely will focus on lessons learned and remaining challenges for the design of rigorous, reproducible, and generalizable research experiments, and the second day will focus on being proactive as we look towards the future regarding a variety of potential challenges on the horizon. More details here.

National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) Meeting





Slides of January 23, 2020 – Day 1

Slides of January 24, 2020 – Day 2

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