OSP Senior Leadership Team

Adam Berger, PhD
Division Director
Clinical and Healthcare Research Policy
Adam Berger is the Director of the Division of Clinical and Healthcare Research Policy. In this role, Adam oversees a wide range of policy issues related to clinical trials, biospecimen research, privacy, bioethics and human research participant protections, and translation of biomedical discoveries. Prior to joining NIH, Adam was part of the personalized medicine staff at the FDA where he addressed a wide range of policy and regulatory issues related to precision medicine, next generation sequencing, real world evidence, and digital health.
Adam also previously served as a Senior Fellow to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, overseeing the development and implementation of the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). In this role, he served as the main liaison between and representative of HHS to the White House and other United States Government Departments involved in the PMI. Prior to working in government, Adam was a Senior Program Officer and Director of the Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health in the Board on Health Sciences Policy at the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine).
Adam received his doctorate from Emory University in Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology, his BS in Molecular Genetics from The Ohio State University, and completed his postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH.