Scientific Integrity

Scientific integrity ensures that science is conducted, managed, communicated, and used in ways that preserve its accuracy and objectivity and protect it from suppression, manipulation, and inappropriate influence. NIH seeks to incorporate robust scientific integrity principles and practices throughout every level of its scientific enterprise. In fostering scientific integrity, NIH aims to ensure that scientific findings are objective, credible, and readily available to the public, and that the development and implementation of policies and programs is transparent, accountable, and evidence based.

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Scientific Integrity

The NIH Scientific Integrity Policy articulates the procedures and processes in place at NIH that help maintain rigorous scientific integrity practices. Additionally, the Policy also describes several functions to further enhance scientific integrity at NIH and throughout the biomedical research enterprise.

Questions regarding the NIH Scientific Integrity Policy or scientific integrity at NIH, can be sent to: [email protected]

NIH Scientific Integrity Policy

Compendium of NIH Policies that support Scientific Integrity


Guidance and Resources

NIH has many robust processes and procedures in place that support and promote scientific integrity. Please refer to the topics listed below to determine which NIH or HHS Office to refer to for more information on their existing processes or procedures for handling allegations involving loss of scientific integrity.

Individuals may report specific types of allegations to the appropriate NIH or HHS Office. Please review the requirements for the specific type of allegation before submitting a report. In addition, if you are unsure of where to report and/or feel unsafe to report, you may reach out to the Office of the Ombudsman which is a confidential, neutral resource for NIH employees and provides informal assistance in addressing workplace-related issues including those which may relate to scientific integrity.



For information, policies, and procedures about animal welfare:


For information, policies, and procedures about authorship and managing differing scientific opinions:

For information, policies, and procedures involving NIH staff:

For allegations involving discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate conduct (including but not limited to sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and bullying) at an institution receiving NIH funding:


For information related to Intramural activities:

For information related to Extramural activities:


For information related to grant recipient fraud, waste and abuse, or NIH personnel fraud, waste, abuse and misconduct (other than research misconduct):

For information concerning improper HHS employee conduct, misuse of grant or contract funds, and grantee/contractor conflict of interest related to HHS programs and activities:


For information about human subjects research:


For information about peer review related to Intramural program and activities:

For information about peer review related to Extramural activities:


For information regarding research misconduct related to Intramural program and activities:

For information regarding research misconduct related to Extramural activities:


For information related to the Intramural training program:


For information regarding uncivil, disruptive, harassing workplace behavior, or other personnel concerns:


For information regarding workplace conditions at NIH:


For information about prohibited personnel practices and whistleblower protections:


For allegations involving political interference, or any other scientific integrity topic not listed above:

  • Report a concern: Email [email protected]
    • For information regarding what to include when reporting an allegation on political interference to the NIH SIO, please refer to the OSP FAQs page on reporting an allegation of political interference.