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…Instead, it found that reports often conflated incidents with LAIs. Many of the incidents were bad events that have degraded public trust but have not caused infection. Dr. Casagrande also…


…at through the “eyes of a bad man.” Although the country is committed to the open sharing of scientific information, materials, and technologies, the U.S. is also committed to preventing…


…DNA-based nanoelectronics 17 http://syntheticbiology.org (accessed 9/29/09). 18 Drew Endy, “Foundations for engineering biology,” Nature 438 (2005): 449-453. 19 Ibid. 20 Ravi Singh and Kostas Kostarelos., “Designer adenoviruses for nanomedicine and…


Responsible Public Communication Baruch Fischhoff Carnegie Mellon University http://www.cmu.edu/epp/people/faculty/baruch-fischhoff.html National Scientific Advisory Board for Biosecurity Bethesda, MD January 24, 2020 http://www.cmu.edu/epp/people/faculty/baruch-fischhoff.html Intuitions Are Unreliable People overestimate how well they understand…


…of any other federally funded efforts. We also discuss why transferring SEPA programs to the D.Ed. will impact critical SEPA functionalities: D.Ed. only proposes to fund school district-driven projects focused


…so that it is useful but not usable as a pattern on how to do bad things. Dr. Potter said the minutes from subcommittee meetings include important information but not…


…come easily, which is both good and bad. And that, you know, it takes an awful lot of effort NWX-OD DIRS Moderator: Amy Patterson 05-29-12/11:15 am CT Confirmation # 5382011…


…DR. PATTERSON: Amy Patterson, executive 19 secretary for the committee, NIH. 20 CHAIRMAN AUGUSTINE: Thank you. 21 Let me also just take a moment to welcome 22 those who are…

April 2022 ePPP Meeting Public Comments

…https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/news/ec-republicans-want-answers-on-secretive-nature-of-hhs-researchs-review-process/ https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/news/ec-republicans-want-answers-on-secretive-nature-of-hhs-researchs-review-process/ On a procedural note, I would urge that you do more than has been done for this meeting to provide early and widespread notice and to ensure the…