Events & Meetings

Virtual Listening Session on the NIH Public Access Plan

NIH will host a virtual, public listening session to hear community feedback on the NIH Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research (NIH Public Access Plan). The NIH Public Access Plan is currently available for public comment through a Request for Information that NIH issued in February 2023. Written RFI responses on the NIH Public Access Plan will continue to be accepted until April 24, 2023.



Supplemental Information

Information on How to Provide Oral Comments

Members of the public can sign-up to provide oral comments at the listening session by emailing [email protected].  When requesting to provide oral comments, please provide:

  • Name
  • Professional Affiliation (optional/if applicable)
  • Topic(s) of Comment

The RFI for the NIH Public Access Plan lists specific areas of interest for which NIH requests additional feedback: (1) equity in publication opportunities for NIH-supported investigators, (2) equity in access and accessibility of publications, (3) methods for monitoring evolving costs and impacts on affected communities, and (4) considerations to increase findability and transparency of research. Please indicate if your comments involve any of these topics. Comments do not need to be limited to the four topic areas listed in the RFI comment form, but comments should relate to one or more aspects of the NIH Public Access Plan.

Slots for public comments will be provided in the order they are received until all slots have been filled. Requests to provide comments at the listening session must be received no later than April 10, 2023.

Please note that the listening session will be broadcast live, recorded, and posted on the OSP website, and a transcript of the listening session will be prepared. The transcript of the listening session may also be posted to the OSP website without redaction. As such, please do not include any information in your comments that you do not wish to make public. Proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should also not be included in your comments.

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