Next week, we mark the 40th anniversary of the first publication of the NIH Guidelines governing experiments using recombinant DNA. On June 23rd, 1976, former NIH Director Dr. Donald Frederickson announced that all NIH funded and conducted research involving recombinant DNA would be expected to follow the NIH Guidelines, noting both the great potential benefits that could arise from this new technology and the lack of certainty about the risks.
We have come a long way in 40 years, and the use of recombinant DNA is ubiquitous in research, medicine, and many other aspects of our daily lives. Recently, the NIH announced revisions to the NIH Guidelines that included amending the criteria and process for how human gene transfer protocols would be selected for review by the Recombinant DNA Advisory committee (RAC), limiting in depth review and public discussion only for exceptional cases.
Just such an exceptional case comes before the RAC during their meeting this week. During the June 21-22 meeting, the RAC will review a protocol involving the first-in-human use of gene editing via CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This T cell immunotherapy protocol involves the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit two genes in T cells also modified to express T cell receptors targeting myeloma, melanoma, and sarcoma tumor cells. Consideration of this study underlines the purpose of changing the RAC process: to better use the collective breadth of experience of the RAC members in reviewing gene transfer trials and novel technologies that pose unknown risks, exactly as described by Dr. Frederickson four decades ago.
Researchers in the field of gene transfer are excited by the potential of utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 to repair or delete mutations that are involved in numerous human diseases in less time and at a lower cost than earlier gene editing systems. While the application of new gene editing technologies in this field has great potential to improve human health, it is not without concerns. In a previous statement, NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, reiterated NIH’s commitment to support innovations in biomedical research in a fashion that reflects well-established scientific and ethical principles. Having a body such as the RAC available to publicly discuss the scientific, safety, and ethical implications of such cutting-edge experiments helps to ensure we are living up to that commitment.
As the application of biotechnology innovations moves closer to the clinical realm, we are confident that the changes we have made to the NIH Guidelines will enable the RAC to devote its full resources to where they are most needed. And as science continues to evolve, we will strive for parallel evolution in our policies to make oversight of research commensurate with the risks involved.
I encourage you to either attend the upcoming RAC meeting in person, or through the NIH Videocast to learn more about the exciting advances being made in the field of gene transfer. Information about the RAC meeting, including an agenda and the meeting location can be found on the OSP website.
Posted by Dr. Carrie D. Wolinetz, June 16, 2016