Registration for Tribal Consultation on “NIH Disposition of Biospecimens Collected from Tribal Populations”
Event Date: 12/05/2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET
The NIH Office of Science Policy, in partnership with the NIH Tribal Health Research Office, will be holding a Tribal Consultation regarding the disposition of de-identified biospecimens collected from Tribal and International Indigenous population members and their return back to the Tribes. The goal of this Consultation is to ensure research equity and respect for Tribal sovereignty, customs, and research practices when finalizing options for disposition, including when transfer/return has been requested by a Tribe.
Tribal Consultation is an official government-to-government interaction, initiated by NIH, which emphasizes trust, respect, and shared responsibility. It is a free exchange of information and opinions among NIH and Indian Tribes that leads to mutual understanding and comprehension. Tribal Consultations are free and open to all, but only Tribal Officials or their authorized representatives may speak during the Tribal Consultation. Pre-registration is required. To register for the event, please provide the information below.